Interview Gina Hole Lazarowich: When they see our film, they might realize that the transition isn’t as scary as they think

“Krow’s TRANSformation” was the opening film of the Raindance Film Festival on the 18th of September this year. There were probably even more nerves for Gina Hole Lazarowich because this was her first film as a filmmaker. We had a little chat with her before Gina’s big night.

Hi Gina, congratulations on your film. It’s a very moving and emotional film. How does it feel for you to be here and to present y our film as the openings film of the festival?

I feel so proud of this! This is the most wonderful film festival I think I could be at. Raindance is all about supporting the indie filmmaker and the underdogs of the film industry. I’m a first time filmmaker at the age of 56. Krow and his mom came to me. I thought it was a great story, one that needed to be told. I just put it together and I’ve figured it out when we were making the film. I shot half of the movie myself. I’ve worked in film for 25 years and this is just an honour to be here! It’s such a nice place.

How was it for you to see Krow opening up to you and the entire world actually?

He was amazing! This was something that he really accepted and wanted. He let me be with him during the most important moments of his life and his transition. He was dedicated and knew that I had to be there for every main event to record everything. I felt that it was incredibly important to shot everything to be able to tell this message. Especially for kids who might be watching this film. So they know what and how the transition is.

Is that the thing you hope people will take away after watching this film?

We made it for kids who potentially don’t have the support. They might be sitting along and are scared about their transition. When they see our film, they might realize that the transition isn’t as scary as they think. It might encourage them to take the steps they want to take and transition so that they can ultimately be their true self and be the happiest they’ve ever been.

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